
As a key contemporary challenge, mobility ranks in Lille Metropole’s top priorities. Regarding the impacts on the metropolitans life in terms of time, costs, security and health, it is also a key lever to address climate change in order to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
As a qualified authority for mobility and transports organization, also in charge of the roadways and public spaces, Lille Metropole equipped itself with major mobility plans : the Transportation Infrastructure Master Plan (Schéma Directeur des Infrastructure de Transport - SDIT) voted in 2019, which aims to strenghten and develop public transportations, while the Mobility Plan (Plan de Mobilité - PDM) organizes the overall metropolitan mobility programing for 2035.
25 millions annual travellers on high-speed lines

2.200 V'Lille rental bikes in 223 stations
900 km of bicycle paths

Free transportation for under 18
In regards to the significant related issues, the targets are to :
- Facilitate travels to ensure the right to an affordable mobility for everyone,
- accompany the transport needs evolutions and operate a shift towards more environmental-friendly alternatives
- consulting citizens through public consultations in drafting and implementing Lille Metropole’s major programing documents.
Our projects
Transport infrastructure Master Plan (SDIT)
Adopted in June 2019 by the metropolitan council, the Transportation Infrastructure Master Plan was conceived after a concertation engaging 1 million of Lille Metropole’s citizens.
With €2 million to foster accessibility, attractivity and adress air pollution, the SDIT already unveiled its first 4 projects layout : new tramway lines that will complement the existing urban grid, with works spreading out till 2035.

Ecobonus program
In Spring 2023, Lille Metropole launched the Ecobonus program. First of its kind in France, this initiative aims to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, by encouraging solo car drivers to avoid using the metropolis main highways (A1 and A23) during peak hours. Carpooling, public transportation or remote working are the alternatives rewarded by Lille Metropole to support a switch towards more environemental friendly practices.
With 2€ per trip avoided between 7 and 9 a.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., drivers can gain up to 80€ per month and play an active role in their metropolitan quality of life improvement.
Mobility Plan for 2035
In an ambition of accompanying transports needs evolutions and adressing climate change to reach carbon neutrality in 2050, the new Metropolitain Mobility Plan sets the mobility guidelines for 2035. As a global strategy and programming for metropolitain mobility, this plan encompasses all transportations means, including 4 major mobility issues :
- Organize a mobility that combines life quality for all and territory’s development,
- Protect the environment by promoting less-harmful or polluting transportation means, as well for people as for goods,
- Develop a mobility contributing to economic vitality, employment and metropolitan influence,
- Offer a mobility for all, with an affordable cost as well for users as for Lille Metropole and the municipalities implementing those solutions